orange blossom |
Both are pathetic stunted creatures, and only one has ever produced fruit, and it was of such poor quality that I was sorely disappointed.
Note to self: in future, check the orange variety when buying orange trees!
The one at the end of the garden has flowered before, only a handful of flowers at a time that seemingly never pollinated as fruit never appeared.
baby oranges |
Last year we had an abundancy of grapes, most of which were left to the wasps, but this year seems to be the year of the orange.
That is, assuming the tree shown here is in fact an orange tree.
Considering it has never fruited before, it could well turn out to be a mandarin or even another lemon tree.
Orange tree |
The soil here is rocky, hard, alkaline, free-draining although lacking earthworms. It desperately needs mulch added to moisten and protect plants from the hot sun.
My fruit trees are mostly planted in the north side of the house where they get protection from the sun at least part of the day.
I also have a plum tree and a loquat tree, each of which will be talked about in other posts.